Saturday, May 16, 2009

Outside Reading: Day 8 - Final Predictions

In an effort to write something new and not just blog about the same old thing I find interesting in this book, however interesting it may be. I'm going to make some very broad, general, but also specific predictions about the ending results of the book. First of all, obviously, I predict that Jack will "hook up" with Naomi, and she will overall help him with his problems. Helping Jack with his problems would be more than just being supportive; I predict that she will help him, not only with his family problems, but also with his tourette's syndrome. In relation to his family, I think, and hope, that Jack’s mom realizes she’s better off without the boob of a man old Bill is. This would result in her leaving Old Bill and his beautiful “prized” child. If Old Bill had any “man” in him, he would know he has medical issues as well, and apologize to Jack. From my personal experiences, having all of this stress taken away reduces the affects of Tourette’s syndrome, making life easier. Although losing stress doesn’t eliminate jerking movements, and ticks, having extra stress, especially a certain situation, makes any ticks and jerking movement’s sky rocket.


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