Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Outside Reading: Day 7

Tonight I will be writing about the short section I read, I am doing this because of the unique style of this section. What is happening currently is Jack is in this dream like state, in which he awakes to a man with a "deep voice". I'm focusing on this topic because it is unusual for this book, so far, to be so abstract, one could say, in its writing style. This writing style reminds me a lot of Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse V, in which most of the story is just a elaborate dream or illusion by the main character. I found this especially interesting because I am nearing the end of Slaughterhouse V so the similarities in the two books, which are both very different was somewhat exciting. One thing that plays a large part in Jack’s thoughts are thoughts of his father. This is especially interesting because Jack’s mother seems to start changing herself and acknowledging her past. Acknowledging her past may in the end help her leave Old Bill, who beats her and treats her horribly. This is good because Jack begins to lose a lot of respect for his mother because of her choices to stay with Old Bill.


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