Saturday, May 2, 2009

Outside Reading: Day 4

As mentioned in my last post, Sam has many run-ins with Naomi, all of them entertaining, which will be mentioned late on in the post. In this section, Sam has moved into the Old Coot's house, and begun working for him. Since Sam lives with the Old Coot now, the name used most often is Jack, so from now on or until another name used, "Sam Carrier" will be referred to as "Jack Carrier". The Old Coot, being somewhat mysterious and unpredictable, informs Jack at 5AM that they were running late for their "big job". It turns out this big job is a gardening job at Naomi's house. After being instructed to different gardening tasks, Jack, being florally illiterate, couldn't complete these. So the Old Coot gave him a chainsaw, to go cut down some trees. Now, here is the funny run in with Naomi that I was talking about earlier. Jack see's Naomi walk out the door, and impulsively runs towards her to greet her, but since it’s around 7AM, she isn't awake yet. At 7AM having a man run at you with a running chainsaw would frighten anyone. Every time I read Naomi's name, I just wait for something "silly" for Jack to do. After some coaxing by the Old Coot, who is family friends with Naomi and her parents, she finally comes out and talks to Jack. The book has too many funny things not to shortly summarize them, as I have been doing recently. Anyways, I still am enjoying this book probably more than any other book I've ever read, because of the book itself, but also the similarities it has to my life, especially with Tourette's Syndrome.


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