Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Outside Reading: Day 5

Today, well this evening, my reading consisted of little "action" one might say, but still packed full of excitement. The girls that Jack is practically in love with, isn't scared of him anymore, and by that, I am talking about the whole running at Naomi with an axe ordeal. In the spectrum of effeminate traits in men, I tend to have a few, which is why I found this section exciting. The part I've read over the past few days, (I only read about 2 pages on Monday) dealt with Jack's feelings towards Naomi associating them with his Jack's real father's letter. The Old Coot gave this letter to Jack; it was from Jack's father, explaining everything to him, and even a section about finding the right girl for him. This part would typically be boring for the "average guy" but I grew up in a house with a mother and a sister, so the romantic/chick part of me enjoyed this section. I guess al the years of overrated chick flicks ended up doing me some good in the world! A very exciting part, which isn't necessarily positive for Jack at the moment, is when Naomi witnesses Jack twitch, which has happened before, but this time she confronted him about it. She basically asked him why he did all of that stuff. I see this as "growth", one could say, in their relationship as friends at least. Eventually I predict Jack will give her all the dirty details on Tourette's and even his whole family life, but for now, he just blew it off by saying it was a long story.


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