Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Outside Reading: "Unisex Bathrooms: The Controversy"

The theme assigned was gender roles, so I did a bit of surfing, and after coming across many anti-porn feminist and other odd articles, I came across a little more appropriate one. This article discussed the possible solution to heated debate and disagreement. The solution presented in the article is unisex bathrooms. For most, "segregated" bathrooms don't seem like a big deal, but for transgendered peoples, it can be seen as discrimination. Personally, I think having segregated bathrooms are necessary, for many reasons. For one, female bathrooms have only stalls, taking up more room, so combining both would take up a lot of room. Secondly, sad, but true, many men may have the extra temptation to try to invade a woman's privacy or worse, rape her. Besides the already stated disagreements, making the transition would be next to impossible; having to change every set of male and female bathrooms to unisex, would force the removal of urinals or the addition of more stalls. The only way this would work from a design aspect would be to get rid of urinals all together, because men can learn to sit down. Yet again, stalls would take up more space, and the construction/removal of stalls and urinals would cost millions, not to mention putting many bathrooms out of service. I think this article has an interesting point of view, although I don't agree with the overall opinions of the author, I found reading something I disagreed with to have a different feel (obviously) to read. It was almost a little easier to read then some random article that I already know about, and agree with.


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