Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Outside Reading: Emblems of Ireland: The Shamrock

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A culture that I have always been interested in is the Irish culture, everything from the music to the holidays and special events. The most commonly associated symbol with the Irish is the shamrock, which is what my article was about. I found this article interesting first of all because of my interest in Irish culture, but also because the shamrock didn't really become associated with Ireland until the 17th century. This article discussed the history of the shamrock, but also a common misconception about the shamrock. Most people would think a shamrock is an actual plant, but it actually isn't. The four major plants associated with the shamrock are the white clover, small hop clover, and wood sorrel, or oxalis. I would really enjoy to to visit Ireland someday, until then I get to learn about the culture, especially the music.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Outside Reading: Affecting Change In Our Schools

The topic given was "change" in any way, and since I'm writing for school, I decided reading about change in schools, would be appropriate. The article I read hit on the idea of changing the ways school taught. For example, spreading the learning process into the world, instead of just in the classroom. I found this interesting because it is a very good idea for many students and schools. Although I think expanding the classroom is a good idea, I do think that there is more to it; and that is the teacher-student relationship. Personally, I've found it extremely helpful in school once I've established a personal connection with a teacher. This way it is much easier to view them as a person and not a human less robot. History used to be my worst subject, but now that I have established that connection, I come into class and am able to listen to what my teacher has to say easily. Still, expanding the classroom allows students to have hands on experiences, and get to know what they're dealing with. It also prepares them for future jobs.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Outside Reading: "Barack Obama: Hope, Fear...Advice"

Upon seeing that tonight's topic was hope, I thought of all the Obama campaign signs, and the meaning behind it. When i started to search for an article related to it, i found many about how the artist was suing, and other pointless articles about it. I stumbled across a collection of answers to a survey, by many authors. Although this really isn't an "article" I decided to use it for many reasons. One, I'm trying to have an open mind and positive outlook on our new President, as much as I don't like his policies and beliefs. Also, because of the authors responses to the 3 questions. One answer that that was brought up multiple times was the issue with/in Israel. Since I support supporting Israel, very strongly, to see authors have the same views as me on it, was an encouraging thing to see. Most of the time, Conservatives are criticized, especially in our schools (some rightfully so, though). Conservatives who only are that way because of one issue, such as gay marriage or abortion, due to their religion (Christianity) give Conservatives a bad name. Anyways, enough ranting about political parties, this article has enriched my mind by showing me the views of intellectual, and articulate people.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Our topic was religion, and instead of picking my faith to talk about, as much as i would like to, I chose something different. I chose something that is very different from my beliefs, and is quite controversial, and that is "New Age Religion". The article gave a brief description of New Age religion, most likely because there really isn't anything else to say about it; its basic, and lacks depth. The article I read described it as a group spiritual people, adding to making a new or adding to their previous, religions. Some of today's "Christians" call them selves "new age" and go by its rules, which is contradictory to Christianity. This is true due to, first of all the last page of the Bible, " 18I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. 19And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book." Revelations 22;18-19. I found this particular article interesting because it had a lot of religious statistics and other information.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Outside Reading: "Unisex Bathrooms: The Controversy"

The theme assigned was gender roles, so I did a bit of surfing, and after coming across many anti-porn feminist and other odd articles, I came across a little more appropriate one. This article discussed the possible solution to heated debate and disagreement. The solution presented in the article is unisex bathrooms. For most, "segregated" bathrooms don't seem like a big deal, but for transgendered peoples, it can be seen as discrimination. Personally, I think having segregated bathrooms are necessary, for many reasons. For one, female bathrooms have only stalls, taking up more room, so combining both would take up a lot of room. Secondly, sad, but true, many men may have the extra temptation to try to invade a woman's privacy or worse, rape her. Besides the already stated disagreements, making the transition would be next to impossible; having to change every set of male and female bathrooms to unisex, would force the removal of urinals or the addition of more stalls. The only way this would work from a design aspect would be to get rid of urinals all together, because men can learn to sit down. Yet again, stalls would take up more space, and the construction/removal of stalls and urinals would cost millions, not to mention putting many bathrooms out of service. I think this article has an interesting point of view, although I don't agree with the overall opinions of the author, I found reading something I disagreed with to have a different feel (obviously) to read. It was almost a little easier to read then some random article that I already know about, and agree with.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Outside Reading: Wii Fit tells 10-year-old she's fat

To take a break from my normally somewhat "Serious" readings, I decided to read something a little more humorous. The Wii fad, along with the Wii Fit, has been riddled with many random negative issues, such as broken TV's due to users not using the wrist strap on the controller. A little more disturbing issue isn't in the game, but in some of the responses to what the article talked about. The article told the story of a 10 year old girl being told she was overweight by Wii Fit's BMI calculator. What interested me was the reaction first of all by the girls step father, but even more by a journalist. The girls step-father did have to convince this girl she wasn't fat, but bringing it to the level in the press that he did was a waste of time. Most people I know that have read this, just laugh because the situation is so ridiculous. What was even more interesting was the journalists comments on it. She said, "IIam absolutely aghast that children are being told they are fat. A child's BMI can change every month and it is perfectly possible for a child to be stocky, yet still very fit. I would be very concerned if children were using this game and I believe it should carry a warning for parents" This journalist, Tam Fry, suggested that the game be banned for kids, and be an 18+ game. When a game company tries to do something good for our declining health as a nation, somebody has to make it an issue.

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