Sunday, March 22, 2009

Outside Reading: Life Without Limbs

For our final topic of, "Overcoming Odds" I chose to write about Nick Vujicic, a 23 year old man with no arms or legs. I chose to write about Nick because I have been inspired by him through his DVD at my bible study. We watched one of his DVDs which included a background of his life, and one of his sermons given in the US. Nick was born without arms or legs, and at age 8, he was so sick of living that way he pondered suicide. To be thinking of killing oneself at such a young age is something that makes a lot of people uncomfortable. He asked God everyday for arms and legs, but he later realizes God had something else in mind for him, and still does. Nick now lives completely independently, showering, brushing his teeth, and even composing music! An amazing fact is his ability with computers; he can type 43 words per minute. Nick's extreme faith in the Lord has made him over come his disability and be more happy and content than most people with limbs. i would give anything to have half as much faith and joy he has through our God, which is what I'm inspired to do.


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