Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Outside Reading: The Gaza Crisis

For today's topic of "Global issues" I chose to read about the conflicts in the Gaza Strip. The introduction/background article, located here, gave a brief history of the past issues, leading to today's "crisis". Although there are many other topics which could be deemed more important, I chose to read about this because it is a topic that isn't discussed enough. Also, on a side note, regardless of your views about Global Warming, which is the "number one" global issue, it isn't going to be fixed anytime soon. In Israel/Palestine's case, the controversy can be helped. A major reason why this topic isn't discussed as much as it should be, is because of the Jewish peoples involvement. Next to everyone knows about the mass sufferings of Jews before, during, and after the holocaust. people find it to be a very sensitive subject because if one were to oppose the Israeli side of the argument, they would typically be viewed as anti-Semitic. I found this article especially interesting because the author was bold enough to acknowledge the lack of Jewish opposition. Even though I support the supporting of Israel, I still found this aspect of the article interesting.
Anup Shah, The Middle East conflict—a brief background,, Last updated: Sunday, July 30, 2006


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