Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Outside Reading: Imperialism in Africa

Due to tonight's reading topic, along with our recent studies about Africa, I thought it'd be appropriate to read and write about African Imperialism. The article I chose to read I actually came across when searching for an article on German Imperialism, but it turns out the the Germans were quite involved in Africa's Imperialism. The article talks about the general power that Germany had in relation to other countries back before the imperialism in Africa. Then in 1884 Germany made and claimed the Cameroons, German South-west Africa, and New Guinea. Imperialism is the act of extending ones power over another country, so Germany claiming the land is obviously imperialism. I found the way the author wrote very interesting. She wrote in a very edgy, but easy to understand. The author, Lisanne Schuller, uses the words "scramble(d)" and "omelet" to help the reader visually put together the different facts and ideas in the text. I think this is a very effective way to write because it allows the reader to feel like they're actually having a conversation with someone and not just reading the hard facts. Although I thought the interesting word choice was a good thing, the way some of the things were written, for me personally, almost discredited her professionalism.


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