Friday, October 17, 2008

Outside Reading: Juggle Magazine Fall 2007

Once again, I read Juggle Magazine. Normally I wouldn't write twice about the same magazine, but this certain article caught my attention. As stated in my previous post, Juggling being viewed as a sport vs. and art is a hot topic. I didn't come across this article until now, but there was a 2 issue report AND verdict on it, written by a well known "artsy" juggler; Jay Gilligan. Jay is known for his artistic juggling associated with his technical juggling. Jay was a wise choice to write the article because he is involved in both types of juggling. Much to many jugglers dismay, the article titled "Art vs. Sport: The Final Answer!" depicts the answer to be neither! Jay says, "'As a personal opinion - for me there is no meaning in juggling.'" This meaning that juggling shouldn't tried to be defined as one or the other, it is what it is. Jay goes on to explain different examples endorsing both view points and makes it clear that his type of juggling is mainly artistic. In the end Jay says,

"I guess there's still no clear os imple answer here but I'm still happy i tried to articulate my viewpwoint because now im farther along to having the language clearly and intelligentally express and defend myposition. I no longer hace to say, 'Juggling can be art.... simply because I think so.'"

So after all, there is no answer to the question; "Is juggling a sport or an art?"

for more on Jay Gilligan, click here
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