Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ecology is a major topic of modern day discussion. In the movie A Civil Action, ecology along with the ignorance of humans sparks a lot of controversy in the movie.
In the small town, many children have died indirectly due to the water pollution. This causes the mourning parents to be enraged with the company and call Jan Schlichtmann for help. Many people currently are extremely outraged by the state of our world and they address their congressman or vote for the presidential candidate who they think will fix it. Jan was all about money in the beginning of the film, and felt that he didn't need to worry about the towns problem because its not his problem. In today's world people who pollute think hat their wrong doings are insignificant and they wont have to suffer for it. Although they may not suffer for it, their children will, and the next generation of the human race. A Civil Action confronts the pollution issue, but from a politically neutral standpoint. the writers didn't try to "promote" global warming nor falsify it. Global warming is one of the biggest issues in politics and the US in general, and is believed to be caused almost completely by humans. This movie did have good character development, but what helped Jan "find himself" was the pollution.
The film presents a message saying that what we do will eventually come back to harm us, so like "karma" in a way. Along with a neutral political standpoint it also addresses how companies and major corporations are harming our society. The main character Jan shows us that even though we feel insignificant, we can make a difference.


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