Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Graphic Novel: Post #4 - Closing Thoughts

As a closing post, I won't bore you with a summary or a description of the end. However, I will share my thoughts and opinions on the book as a whole, because I think that is more interesting. My general view of the book is very good; I enjoyed reading it, even though I had a rough idea of the plot, along with (like in most books) being able to guess what will happen next. I thought the ending didn't really do much tone wise, to change form the beginning. What I mean by that is that I would think in the end the author would make things perfect and peachy like in a lot of novels, but the very dark mood and tone was kept consistent throughout the novel. Also, keeping a consistent mood/tone is something I obviously enjoy because otherwise the book would be unorganized and confusing. One thing I would change about the novel is the insight into Neville's sexual desires. Although I found the personal battle interesting, not the sexuality, I think it was unnecessary to bring it up as many times as it was. I don't say this because I think it's inappropriate or anything, I just thought it was trying to be pushed on the reader too much. Interestingly enough, the part I enjoyed the most was the insight into Neville's thoughts. The author went into depth with Neville's thoughts on the important things, and when things were important, the author, Richard Matheson made sure you knew.


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