Friday, January 30, 2009

Outside Reading: Hog iPC

Recently, I have learning lighting and some intelligent lighting design. So I decided to read and do some research on the lighting board I use. I read the overview of the product, and the specifications etc. Each board has its own built in software, and the Hog iPC is the first to be able to run Wholehog 2 & 3. Previous models could only run the software it came installed with. The use of touch screens enables the user to quickly locate a cue or page. This becomes handy when you have to find a cue quickly during a live performance, so insterad of missing the cue, you can find it in style. Also included is a trackball mouse built in. A newer addition to lighting modules is use of writeable CD-ROM drives and USB connectors. Although this wasn't really an article, I thought it would be appropriate because lighting has now become a fairly significant aspect of my life.


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