Monday, December 8, 2008

Quick Read: Listening Is An Act of Love

As many of you may know, Jason and I have many things in common. We have decided to do our quick read together, lucky you! Our book is actually a collection of stories, as told by those who experienced them. It all started out as a group called StoryCorps. Like many other "trends" or "fads" it started out small. StoryCorps started out as a simple oral history project. People would call in or come to their studio, telling their story. A person would bring a Friend, who would interview them (asking them key questions for the story)as they told their story, whether sad, funny, or aggravating. After a while, StoryCorps became so popular, they traveled around with a booth, encouraging people to tel their stories. The story we are reading was told at a booth in Salem, Oregon. Titled:

"PAUL MORTIMER, 49, and SHAWN FOX, 39, interview each other"

Since the this is a collection of stories, the man who edited the book, Dave Isay, chose to keep it simple, and title it with the names of the story tellers. Our story is fairly graphic, but we choose it because it shows an aspect of American life that goes unnoticed or uncared about. We both have laughed and cried reading the stories of the fortunate, and some of the not so fortunate. Hope you enjoy!

Paul died of a drug overdose on November 11, 2005. Less than a month after the interview was recorded.

click Here for the StoryCorp site, featuring our story.


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