Tuesday, September 16, 2008

  1. Although I don't enjoy reading, probably because it is something that is forced upon us, my favorite book so far in life is The Giver by Lois Lowry. I don't remember the specifics of the book since I read it in 4th grade, but the main plot is about Jonas, a boy who lives in a world where everything is under control, there is no war, and there are guaranteed jobs. Jonas was picked to be trained by "The Giver" who apparently has some supernatural mind holding memories of life. I liked this book because it had an interesting perspective, and it also showed Jonas dealing with the issues that working with The Giver presented. Although I didn't enjoy reading it, I thought it was well written, and was the least painful book I have ever had to read. :)
  2. Most recently, I read the magazine "Macworld". I read it because I use Macs for music, video, and photo editing, along with any other task I need to do. The issue I read was talking about the most recent iPhone, the iPhone 3G. I thought it was a smart move by Apple and a improvement for the iPhone customers. Some people are skeptical and say the new iPhone isn't different than the old one, they're wrong. They most likely think that because they don't actually know what the new one is capable of or they just want attention, so they are negative. I don't just say this because I am a Mac user, I say it coming from a technical aspect. Whether the new iPhone is better than the old one isn't a question, all of the technology is upgraded along with new features, therefore it is better, improved or whatever you want to call it.
  3. My favorite quote in the book is a letter that Hallie sends to Codi (224) basically telling her to stop whining, and to start dealing with things. More specifically about Codi thinking that Hallie is "all that" and negative things about herself. I liked this quote because early on in my life I had to learn to stop wishing things were better and learn to start dealing with it. More recently I've had an experience with a person who felt like they "didn't know who they were" or "can't find themselves" Codi's actions and though process remind me of my experience personally and the "lost person" mentioned above. Having had to deal with self confidence and other personal image issues such as Codi is, I can more accurately predict what will happen in terms of Codi and her life. Animal Dreams has many well developed and fun characters, but if I had to choose a favorite, along with many others, it would be Loyd. I like Loyd because he truly believes in family values and has an interesting past that is being told throughout the book. Most people would think that Loyd, if they were being stereotypical of males, would like Codi more because she is only offering sex and doesn't want a real relationship. Loyd isn't that way, sure he enjoys what she has to "offer", and this is what I like about him. Loyd isn't shallow and with Codi just to "get some", he truly cares about her, and even hints about marriage. Mainly I like him because he is wholesome (to some extent) , honest, and values family, Loyd's many values will hopefully rub off on Codi in the book. At first I thought the book was boring and was going to be one of those books were it just drags on, but I was wrong, it has great content along with exciting events that take place. The most important scene from the book is Hallie's letter to Codi (which is also my favorite quote, see above). The scene shows that love doesn't just mean being nice, it also means taking care of people, and if you have to be blunt to get a point across, then be blunt! I think the scene is important because the book so far has been focusing on Codi complaining about this and that, and to have the most important person in the world to Codi step up and say it, really impacted Codi. The importance in this lies in what will come, the letter itself is just a letter, but the words in it will hopefully allow Codi to realize how she has been acting and to start dealing with her issues not just complain about them.
  4. Favorite Books

The Bible

The Giver

Storm Breaker

Captain Underpants Series

Artemis Fowl Series

The Kite Runner


Brett S said...

Good list of books. I like your blog.

Anonymous said...

Sick template, also captain underpants is so great they used to be my favorite in like 3rd grade.

Julia H. said...

Ooh the giver! I remember reading that, it was really good.

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